In 2020 we had to react. In 2021 let's take action.

In 2020, companies reacted as best they could to continue operating. Let's use 2021 to empower what we started.

2020 introduced a very significant change in buying, selling and consumption habits in our population, with a sustained migration from face-to-face purchases to virtual, particularly in essential items such as food, cleaning products, pharmacy, and entertainment . More and more people are beginning to appreciate the time that you save and that you can spend doing other things, whether they are productive or recreational.

It is publicly known that the volume of sales for different digital platforms have grown almost exponentially, such as Mercado Libre, Amazon, PediloYa, Rappi, etc.. During 2020 according to the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce, the turnover of electronic commerce in Argentina during 2020 grew 124%.

These changes are coming to corporate life as well. And they are here to stay. It is clear that we are increasingly dependent on the digital world.

Companies that sell their products to individuals were the first to react. Either incorporating a shopping cart such as Shopify, Tienda Nube or Magento, using Instagram as a sales channel, or even through digital platforms such as Mercado Libre and Amazon.

Those whose business is BtoB-oriented, that is, they sell their products to other companies, have taken a little longer to react. Not all, of course. Several have taken the same path described above, incorporating shopping carts or uploading their products to digital platforms, under a format or scheme that is designed for sale to a final consumer. So they have had to adapt to a way of selling imposed by these platforms.

For those companies that reacted in 2020, we invite you to take action. And for those who are still evaluating it, welcome to the action.

From BA Minds, and with our Quewis solution, companies can grow their businesses through digital channels without losing identity, without having to compete on price, and it is the company that determines the business rules.

We leave these issues for you to think about.

  • Ability to differentiate your company and product from other sellers who use the same platform. Being able to position your products based on your benefits, characteristics and image of your company and not by price.
  • Sales costs - eg. commissions, shipping, returns.
  • Who is the owner of the client? How much customer information do you have?

In future articles we will develop in more detail the evolutionary process of BtoB ecommerce for companies, with the pros and cons of each stage that some companies go through organically.

If you are interested in exploring how Quewis gives more than interesting answers to these items, let's keep talking. Just fill in the form below and we will be contacting you shortly.
